About stay over.

It's been a while, right? My boyfriend?About stay over. - 喵 - ??
High on fantasies of romance, the perfect lover, absolute happiness, sexual ecstasy.

I appreciate your effort.

Busy Monday afternoon whilst I was sitting in a System Engineering Management lecture, I messaged Mr.Chikan on Facebook.

He was like "I was kind of looking forward to spending tonight with you. But if you gonna watch movie with Vannie, I might just go home and rest up tonight."

"It's alright if that's too much of a hassle to come over." I PLAY COOL.

#高冷pretend stuck up elegant bitch

Let me conclude the logic of woman.

I always really wanna talk to you or text you or something and then I remember if you wanted to talk to me you would make the effort so I don't.



If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what.

I am waiting nakedly on the bed for you, babe.

我就看看when you will show up at my place.

I hope you bring your pyjamas and toothbrush and drive in town tomorrow.

Monday night 27 April.

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