Hug me like you gonna marry me


昨晚吃饭的时候,他抢过我的手机开始翻相册,意料之中翻到了我截屏的聊天记录,He asked me why I saved those screenshot. It is just something you wouldn't know and I would never tell.


"Your cats and mushrooms gonna die" 老妖精眯着眼睛看着我。我被吓了一跳,半天才反应过来,原来他嘲讽我风流一晚估计连手机在哪都不知道。老妖精得瑟完又压着我继续睡。

I could hear him mumbling to himself.

Hug me like you mean it.

Hug me like you gonna marry me.


No. Margaret. before you go shower, come back, just one last hug.


Btw, thanks for spoiling me with the dinner. You always remember the things I like whether it's picking up a cocktails with egg whites or a dessert that i've been craving for long time. Now you are a man that I could have breakfast and coffee with the morning after.

Hug me like you gonna marry me - 喵 - ??

Hug me like you gonna marry me - 喵 - ??

Hug me like you gonna marry me - 喵 - ??

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